Title: X-Treme X-Men, Vol. 1 #1, Chris Claremont Signed, Marvel '01 Comic Description: Join your favorite mutants in X-Treme X-Men! Signed by legendary writer Chris...
Title: Wastelanders: Wolverine #1, 1st Appearance of Downfall, Marvel '22 Comic Description: Wastelanders: Wolverine #1 takes place in the brutal aftermath of Old Man Logan....
Title: Wastelanders: Star-Lord #1, Marvel '22 Comic Description: Wastelanders: Star-Lord #1 sees Peter Quill return to a post-apocalyptic Earth, where heroes have fallen and villains...
Title: Wastelanders: Hawkeye #1, Marvel '22 Comic Description: Wastelanders: Hawkeye #1 reveals the untold story of Clint Barton's training with Stick, the former Daredevil. Despite...
Title: Wastelanders: Doom #1, 2nd Appearance of Sofia Strange, Marvel '22 Comic Description: Wastelanders: Doom #1 follows Doctor Doom as he continues to rule the...
Title: Darth Vader Vol. 2 #1 1:25 Adi Granov Variant, Signed by Charles Soule (Marvel '17) Comic Description: Experience the enthralling world of Star Wars like...
Title: Dark Reign: The List - Punisher #1, Marvel '09 Comic Description: Dark Reign: The List - Punisher #1 features Frank Castle, aka the Punisher,...
Title: Dark Reign: The List - Avengers #1, Marvel '09 Comic Description: Dark Reign: The List - Avengers #1 highlights the growing tension between Norman...
Title: Dark Reign: New Nation #1, Marvel '09 Comic Description: Dark Reign: New Nation #1 delves deeper into Norman Osborn’s control of the Marvel Universe...
Title: Captain Marvel Vol. 11 #18B CGC 9.8 (19), 1st Appearance of Lauri-Ell, Marvel '20 Comic Description: Dive into the captivating world of Captain Marvel...