Title: Far Sector #1A, 1st Appearance of Green Lantern (Sojourner "Jo" Mullein), DC '19 Comic Description: In Far Sector #1A, acclaimed sci-fi author N.K. Jemisin...
Title: Naomi Vol. 1 #1B, Emanuela Lupacchino Cover, 1st Appearance of Naomi (DC, '19) Comic Description: Uncover the mysteries surrounding a small Northwestern town with...
Title: Superman Vol. 2 #4, 1st Appearance of Bloodsport, DC '87 Comic Description: In Superman Vol. 2 #4, the deadly Bloodsport makes his first appearance,...
Title: The Joker Vol.2 #2H 2nd Print, 1st Appearance of Vengeance, 1st Team Appearance of the Sampson family, DC '21 Comic Description: In The Joker...
Title: Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1, DC '06 Comic Description: Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1 ties into the larger Infinite Crisis event, featuring...