Title: Dark Nights: Death Metal - Legends of the Dark Knights #1, 1st Appearance of Robin King, CGC 9.0, DC '20
Comic Description: Dive deep into the shadows of the DC Universe with "Dark Nights: Death Metal - Legends of the Dark Knights #1." This one-shot special illuminates the twisted tales of the Dark Knights, showcasing a myriad of horrors and heroics. With a collection of stories penned by an ensemble of stellar writers and complemented by a spectrum of brilliant artists, this issue serves as a rich tapestry that stitches together the grim corners of the Death Metal saga. Proudly graded at CGC 9.0, this comic is an indispensable addition for any aficionado eager to explore the intricate facets of Batman's darkest incarnations
Comic Details:
Publisher: DC Comics
Year of Publication: 2020
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