Title: Batman Vol. 1 #620, Signed by Brian Azarello (DC, '03)
Comic Description: Venture into the intricate alleys of Gotham City with "Batman Vol. 1 #620." This issue marks the commencement of the "Broken City" story arc, a riveting tale dripping in noir elegance, capturing Batman's relentless pursuit of truth in a city that often blurs the lines between right and wrong. Expertly scripted by Brian Azzarello and magnificently brought to life by Eduardo Risso, its allure is further magnified by Azzarello's own signature. A true testament to Batman's enduring legacy and a must-have for avid collectors, this comic is a deep dive into the psyche of Gotham's greatest detective.
Comic Details:
Publisher: DC Comics
Year of Publication: 2003
*DISCLAIMER: This item is FSBO (For Sale By Owner) from our personal collection.
**PHOTO DISCLAIMER: All photos are of the actual items in our listings, unless the listing is for a pre-order item. Pre-order items will be clearly marked as such. If a listing has a quantity greater than one, the additional items will be of similar quality. For items of varying qualities, we will create separate listings with unique photos and descriptions to highlight the differences. If you would like any additional photos, please let us know, providing as much detail as possible about what you’re looking for.
***AUTOGRAPH DISCLAIMER: The autograph on this item was personally witnessed by James Farias, co-owner of Multiverse of Heroes, or one of our staff members at an event hosted by Torpedo Comics in Las Vegas, NV. We guarantee the authenticity of the signature based on this direct observation and will include a COA.