Title: Dark Nights: Death Metal - Legends of the Dark Knights #1, Kaare Andrews 1:25 Variant, CGC 9.6, 1st full appearances of Darkest Knight and Robin King, 1st Cover Appearance of Robin King (DC, 2020)
Comic Description: Dive into the captivating world of Dark Nights with the "Death Metal Legends of the Dark Knights" issue #1. This special 1:25 Kaare Andrews Variant is not just a visual treat but also marks the 1st full appearances of the menacing Darkest Knight and the intriguing Robin King. With a CGC grade of 9.6, this issue is a testament to the compelling storytelling and artistry that DC comics consistently delivers. A must-have for every avid DC fan and collector out there.
Comic Details:
Publisher: DC Comics
Year of Publication: 2020
**PHOTO DISCLAIMER: All photos are of the actual items, unless marked as pre-order. For multiple-item listings, photos represent similar quality. Additional photos are available upon request.