Title: Batman Vol. 3 #96, Jorge Jimenez 1:25 Variant, 1st Appearance of Clownhunter, CGC 9.2 (DC, '19)
Comic Description: Step into the shadowed alleys of Gotham with Batman Vol. 3, Issue #96, a significant landmark in the annals of DC lore. This rare Jorge Jimenez 1:25 variant not only graces collectors with its captivating artwork but also marks the inaugural appearance of Clownhunter, the enigmatic and relentless vigilante who's taken Gotham by storm. With James Tynion IV's gripping narrative and Jorge Jimenez's illustrious visuals, this issue is more than just a comic; it's a memento of a pivotal moment in Batman's saga. Graded at a commendable CGC 9.2, this gem is a requisite for every discerning Batman aficionado.
Comic Details:
Publisher: DC Comics
Year of Publication: 2019
**PHOTO DISCLAIMER: All photos are of the actual items, unless marked as pre-order. For multiple-item listings, photos represent similar quality. Additional photos are available upon request.