Title: Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1, DC '06 Comic Description: Villains United: Infinite Crisis Special #1 ties into the larger Infinite Crisis event, featuring...
Title: B.P.R.D.: Killing Ground #1, Dark Horse '07 Comic Description: B.P.R.D.: Killing Ground #1 marks the beginning of another intense chapter in the Bureau for...
Title: Unnatural #10D, Port City Comics Anna Zhuo & Jenvieve Broomall Cover, Image '19 Comic Description: Unnatural #10D continues Leslie’s dramatic journey through a world...
Title: Unnatural #12E, Sad Lemon Kendrick Lim Virgin Cover, Image '19 Comic Description: Unnatural #12E continues the compelling tale of Leslie as she fights against...
Title: Unnatural #12F, Sad Lemon Kendrick Lim Naughty Virgin Cover, Image '19 Comic Description: Unnatural #12F marks an intense chapter in Leslie's journey as she...
Title: Unnatural #1C, Amorphous Ink Lucio Parrillo Cover, Image '19 Comic Description: Unnatural #1C introduces readers to a dystopian world where love and relationships are...
Title: Something is Killing the Children #22, 1st Mention of the House of Cutter, 1st Appearance of Abbie, 1st Appearance of Cutter, BOOM! '22 Comic...
Title: Something is Killing the Children #1S, 8th Print,1st Appearance of Erica Slaughter, BOOM! '19 Comic Description: Something is Killing the Children #1S, 8th Print,...
Title: Something is Killing the Children #1B, Jae Lee and June Chung Cover, 1st Appearance of Erica Slaughter, BOOM! '19 Comic Description: Something is Killing...
Title: Something is Killing the Children #1C, Jenny Frison Cover, 1st Appearance of Erica Slaughter, BOOM! '19, 1st Appearance of Erica Slaughter Comic Description: Something...
Title: Killadelphia #1D Francesco Mattina Amorphous Inks Retailer Exclusive, Image '19 Comic Description: Killadelphia #1D introduces readers to a dark world where supernatural forces blend...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 03, Diego "Nightmare" Sanchez Product Description:Step into the octagon with this Ultimate Collector figure of Diego "Nightmare" Sanchez! This...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 03, Antonio Rodrigo "Minotauro" Nogueira Product Description:Step into the ring with this Ultimate Collector figure of Antonio Rodrigo "Minotauro"...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 03, Anderson "The Spider" Silva Product Description:Celebrate the legacy of Anderson Silva with this Ultimate Collector figure! A must-have...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 02, Kimbo Slice, Limited Edition Product Description:Unleash the power of Kimbo Slice with this rare Ultimate Collector figure! A...
Title: Round 5, Ultimate Collector Series 01, Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell, Signed Product Description: Unleash the spirit of MMA with this iconic Chuck Liddell action...
Raw Autographed ComicsTitle: Youngblood: Strikefile #1, Jae Lee Signed, Image Comic Description: Youngblood: Strikefile #1 takes readers deeper into the world of Youngblood, with in-depth...
Title: Spawn #252, Jonboy Meyers Signed, Image '15 Comic Description: Spawn #252, featuring cover art and signature by Jonboy Meyers, is a stunning continuation of...
Title: Darkchylde: The Legacy, Wizard World Chicago Summer Preview, Randy Queen Signed, '98 (Sealed with CoA) Comic Description: This special edition preview, Darkchylde: The Legacy,...
Title: Darkchylde #4, Randy Queen Signed, Image '97 Comic Description: As the supernatural horrors intensify, Darkchylde #4 delves deeper into Ariel Chylde’s struggles to control...
Title: Darkchylde #1/2, Wizard Exclusive Cover, Randy Queen Signed, Image '97 (Sealed with CoA) Comic Description: Enter the dark and haunting world of Darkchylde in...
Title: Darkchylde #1/2, Wizard Exclusive Black Cover, Randy Queen Signed, Image '97 (Sealed with CoA) Comic Description: Enter the dark and haunting world of Darkchylde...
Title: Darkchylde #0, Randy Queen Signed, Image '97 Comic Description: Discover the mysterious origins of Darkchylde with this special #0 issue, where Ariel Chylde first...