Title: The Dark Room Hardcover by Gerry Dugan, Sealed (Image, '22)
Comic Description: Prepare for an exhilarating ride with "The Dark Room," a captivating hardcover novel penned by Gerry Dugan. When a group of friends uncover a technologically advanced room capable of manifesting their most intimate wishes, they are initially in awe. But elation quickly morphs into dread as they discern the room's sinister aspect. Every pleasure comes at a cost, and as the stakes rise, the friends find themselves entangled in a web of their own making. Masterfully illustrated by David O'Sullivan and aesthetically refined with Clayton Cowles' lettering, coupled with Giuseppe Camuncoli's mesmerizing cover art, this tome promises a narrative experience that's both haunting and unforgettable.
Key Details:
Publisher: Image Comics
Year of Publication: 2022
*DISCLAIMER: This item is FSBO (For Sale By Owner) from our personal collection.
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